Designing & Advocating for
Enduring Places in California.
Good places don’t happen by accident.
The Congress for the New Urbanism champions walkable urbanism by providing resources, education, and technical assistance to create socially just, economically robust, environmentally resilient, and people centered places.
The California Chapter of CNU is comprised of design practitioners, public servants, and citizen-advocates focused on building places people love.
Join the Conversation
Thought leadership for the next generation of neighborhood building.
Building towns and cities people love is an art, science, and technical endeavor requiring knowledge of zoning code, development finance, and a multitude of other disciplines.
Learn what it takes to make a great neighborhood from resources compiled by our board members.
Draw from the extensive experience of CNU-CA’s architects, planners, and engineers as you rethink the future of your city.
Our CNU-By-Design program offers on-location design charrette planning and execution that will involve your local officials, residents, and community stakeholders.